魔兽5.0剧透:罗宁失踪 吉安娜成为达拉然新领袖

2012-07-16 924

jaina was chosen by the kirin tor to be rhonin's successor。 not sure if this is anything that was decided recently or just something blizzard is now telling us。

taran zhu is at both pandaren faction bases and basically calls both factions a bunch of idiots as their battling causes the sha to appear.

the new female admiral mentions that the skyfire is leaving after the battle to regroup with the main fleet which will arrive in 2 months. she also mentions southshore, redridge and how the horde killed every man, woman, and child in theramore. guess that's when it ends up getting taken down by the escaped prisoners.



另外build里还挖出来了一段语音,背景未知,似乎是吉安娜上任的演讲。广大的游戏工作室 朋友应选择信誉较好的收货商家出货,让问题尽可能少的出现在游戏出货环节。






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