美服《无尽的任务2》个人副本问题 玩家教你选择最佳独战时机

2013-09-18 1404

问: 有没有自己一个人时可以打的副本?

答: 这取决于你的职业,等级,装备,技能以及你有没有雇佣兵。
一直到 90级,游戏中没有为单人而设计的副本。但是, 由于大量的副本都是在很久之前设计好的,再加上装备在不断更新,其实很多副本只需少数几个人甚至是一个人就能完成,尤其是当他们处于绿色或蓝色状态。
我觉得第一次一个人副本是天神庙,自那时以来, 几乎每一个副本都有高级单人版。
如果的等级足够,那么大多数10--70级的副本可以单独做,但90 - 95级的副本最好还是采取有双人或单人+ 雇佣的模式。越来越多的游戏骗子进入到网游行业,专业玩家网骗子查询为你解除后顾之忧。


Q: Are there any dungeons that can be done if you are playing solo?

A: Depends on class, level, gear, skill and a lot on do you have a mercenary or not.
Most of the dungeons can be done with a merc, but else with a good class, good gear and wait until the mobs are green then you should be able to do it.
Up until L90 there are no dungeons DESIGNED for solo play.
But, a lot of dungeons were designed a long time ago and gear changes have made them easier to do in small groups or even solo, especially when they're blue or green con.
The first solo dungeon in my understanding came with Skyshrine (I may be wrong). Since then, almost every dungeon has an Advanced Solo version (the last xpac basically)
Most of the dungeons from level 10-70 can be soloed if you gain enough levels so the enemies are white or green.
And every level 90-95 dungeon has a Duo or Solo+Merc version.


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