
2014-06-26 926





Campaign Instances: Hardcore Mode
In our last major update, we released the beginnings of Firefall's Episodic Campaign, in which some of the missions took you into instances. These instances were designed to tell your story as an ARES pilot during your progression through the world. As we often hear that many of you would love to be able to experience these as replayable pieces of content with increased difficulty, we are excited to announce that, in addition to expanding the campaign with three new instanced missions, we will be introducing ‘Hardcore’ modes to the Campaign instances at launch.
Firefall MMOFPS F2P Sc-Fi MMO FPS game
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‘Hardcore’ mode instances are end-level versions of the instances; once you reach level 37, you can replay the instanced Campaign missions in ‘Hardcore’ mode. Will the risk be worth the reward? Absolutely. Not only will the enemies be scaled up to level 40+, but the rewards are also appropriately scaled to ensure you are properly rewarded upon completion. Currently, some of the instances have normal mode safeguards that will be removed when in ‘Hardcore’ mode. One example of this is when an instance's objective is failed and the mission restarts at a checkpoint. In normal mode, the objective will ease up on you for your next try, but when you play in ‘Hardcore’ mode, it won't be as forgiving – you'll get the full difficulty the whole way through. We plan on supporting ‘Hardcore’ modes for the existing Campaign instances, as well as all future missions… stay tuned for more details on those new missions!


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