美服《FF14:重生之境》狩猎任务预览 刷怪兽得大奖

2014-06-27 4968


任务                      要求的等级
开始狩猎 (Malestrom)      战士职业或魔法50级 / 第二风暴中尉
开始狩猎                  战士职业或魔法50级 / 第二毒蛇中尉
开始狩猎 (不朽火焰)        战士职业或魔法50级 / 第二火焰中尉




 The Hunt
To abate the threat of notorious beasts roaming free in the wilds, the Eorzean Alliance has established the Hunt. With a bounty now on the heads of myriad menacing monsters, adventurers who seek danger and glory can take up arms, find their marks, and reap the rewards of tracking and defeating the realm's most dangerous game.
- What is the Hunt?
The Hunt is an initiative established by the Eorzean Alliance, offering a bounty to adventurers who aid in quelling the threat posed by notably dangerous monsters that prowl the lands of Eorzea.
- Accessing the Hunt Board
To retrieve mark bills from the Hunt board, players must first complete one of the following quests:
Quest    Required Level and Rank
Let the Hunt Begin (Malestrom)    Disciple of War or Magic level 50
Second Storm Lieutenant
Let the Hunt Begin (Twin Adder)    Disciple of War or Magic level 50
Second Serpent Lieutenant
Let the Hunt Begin (Immortal Flames)    Disciple of War or Magic level 50
Second Flame Lieutenant

- Rewards
Both regular and elite bills list a bounty for their indicated marks. This bounty will be paid in full once the marks have been slain. Allied Seals received from the Hunt can be exchanged for exclusive wares by speaking with the Hunt Billmaster at your Grand Company. Rewards include weapons, armor, minions, sands of time, oil of time, and alexandrite.
* Allied Seals can only be exchanged at your affiliated Grand Company.



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