
2014-07-03 875




  Heroes of the Storm : Match-By-Match Character Customization
The latest in a series of developer blog posts has been published on the Heroes of the Storm site. In the latest article, Dustin Browder goes into detail about how the game's talent system was built. In one of the key highlights of the blog, Browder discusses how each and every match will allow players to customize their characters to suit a number of possible scenarios.
Browder begins the article explaining that the team wanted to get away from the "one size fits all" customization system and, instead, wanted to give players flexibility to create the perfect character skill set to suit the particular game into which one enters. HotS players will be able to take into account party make up, heroic abilities, the opposing team, the particular map on which the game will take place and their own unique play-style when assessing what the best build is for the match.
The new talent system has been added to the alpha, which is now filled with players from around the world, and the team is anticipating that players will be using this information in ways that will allow them to maximize their heroes' talents. Browder also wrote:
Learning how to maximize the talents takes a long time, and requires a lot of experimentation to understand which talents are best to use in different situations.
To illustrate how the talent system will work, Browder and team created a video to show how a given hero (Muradin) can be customized to suit the battle and the particular paradigms presented within each match.

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