美服《坦克世界》走进德国5级中坦E 50.M 赢超值奖励

2014-07-07 1478

寻找一辆足够迅速可以应对战争浪潮的坦克?无非就是E 50 Ausf. M,两种德国5级中坦之一! 它有几个有利的方面,包括船体盔甲、速度快、可以说是游戏中最准确的大炮。这就让E 50 M既可作为精确的狙击手,也可作为情境打手,这取决于战斗的展开方式。
开始日期:7月7日周一04:00 PDT (07:00 EDT / 11:00 UTC)
结束日期:7月21日周一04:00 PDT (07:00 EDT / 11:00 UTC)








In search of a tank versatile enough to quickly adjust to the tide of a battle? Look no further than the E 50 Ausf. M, one of two German tier X medium tanks! It has several things going in its favor, including well-sloped hull armor, quick traverse speed, and arguably the most accurate cannon in game. This allows the E 50 M to take dual roles as an accurate sniper and situational brawler, depending on how the battle unfolds.
If this German medium has piqued your interest, then enjoy the extra Credit discount on select German vehicles and the latest On Track missions where the Premium T-25 and more can be yours!
Start Date: Monday, July 7, 04:00 PDT (07:00 EDT / 11:00 UTC)
End Date:  Monday, July 21, 04:00 PDT (07:00 EDT / 11:00 UTC)

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