美服《TERA》Bluehole揭示计划包括新的等级上限 内容将发布在多个阶段

2014-07-11 1182









BlueHole has revealed its plans for the Korean and Western versions of TERA. The Korean update will happen later this summer, with the En Masse Entertainment version to be updated by year's end. Players can look forward to level 65, a new city, new dungeons and changes to existing systems.

The future contents are to be released gradually in multiple phases, and they include:

*Level cap increase to level 65, along with new skills and glyphs

*Opening of the Northern Arun continent, which will host the 4th largest city

*New instance dungeons including a competitive instance

*System changes such as quest guide, crystal & artifact combination, enchanting system improvements

*Guild competition for seasonal guild housing

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