美服《魔兽世界:德拉诺之王》部落&联盟要塞预览 6.1补丁将成理想飞行场所

2014-07-14 2136

今天,我们来看看三级部落要塞! 在这些截图中,有些情节是空的或没升级,因为Chickat被错误升级到3级。






Warlords of Draenor - Horde Garrison Preview
Today we are taking a look at the Level 3 Horde Garrison! In these screenshots several plots are empty or not upgraded, as Chickat was upgraded to Level 3 by a bug.
Warlords of Draenor - Alliance Garrison Preview
Today we are taking a look at the Level 3 Alliance Garrison! In these screenshots several plots are empty or not upgraded, as lmarcelus was upgraded to Level 3 by a bug.
Flying in Warlords of Draenor
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
We still think a 6.1 patch seems like a pretty reasonable point where flying would become available in Draenor, likely with some kind of aforementioned prerequisite. Maybe it's gold, maybe it's some kind of epic quest, maybe something more straightforward. But we're staying open to changing that post-release if it seems like it's working out really well and we want to keep rolling with it. I'm digging that there seems to be a pretty reasonable mix of beta experiences here though. Definitely looking forward to feedback when we get to the max-level content too.

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