
2014-07-16 1874





 Elsword : New Raid Boss Encounter Biggest & Toughest Yet
 Veteran Elsword players are in for a treat with the arrival of the latest raid boss, Eltrion. Up to twelve players can take on Eltrion but there is a catch: This bad boy needs to be taken down in twelve minutes or the fight is lost.

Perched aloft the clouds up high, spires of technology and magic keep his ancient capital afloat. The sheer mastery of techno-magic and masonry can only be taken in for a fleeting moment before the air crackles with power unlike anything this world has ever seen. The entire earth beneath them begins to shake, and an ear-piercing howl ravages their very souls. From the heavenly expanse surrounding the floating city, soars up to the sky, a behemoth so great that its form eclipses the sun itself. At the pinnacle of its ascent… this techno-leviathan, the mechanical dragon guardian of the City in the Sky, descends upon them with break-neck speed and the explosive fury of sun itself.

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