美服《沃尔学院101》游戏新增钓鱼功能 发布目标商店包

2014-07-17 2152

《沃尔学院101》迎来钓鱼 ! 无畏的巫师们现在可以游戏的任何水域中捕鱼。捕到的鱼可以出卖,用作制作组件,还可以放于玩家的鱼缸里,起装饰作用。



Wizard101 : Fishing in the Spiral
 Fishing has arrived in Wizard101! Intrepid wizards can now try their hand at fishing in any body of water throughout the game. Fish can be sold, used as a crafting component or can be displayed in a fish tank in a player's home.
In addition to fishing, KingsIsle has also released a new bundle at Target stores that includes a vine mount, a Pegasus pony pet, a Spiral Cup decoration for player houses and either a month's membership or 5000 Crowns to spend in the item shop.


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