美服《坦克世界》周末轻坦狂欢 刷战场赢大奖

2014-07-18 990

这个周末,大刷战场,愉悦团队,燃烧敌人! 无论你是被动地偷偷在战场发现敌人,还是积极追捕敌人炮兵,巡防队员在任何团队战斗中都发挥着至关重要的作用。
本周末的折扣奖励,你会体验到更高等级的轻坦! 为加速这一切,我们还有致力于轻型坦克的XP的奖励任务。所以,前往战场吧!
开始日期:7月18日星期五04:00 PDT (07:00 EDT)
结束日期:7月21日星期一04:00 PDT (07:00 EDT)



 Light Delights
Delight your team this weekend by zooming about the battlefield and lighting up your enemies! Whether you're passively sneaking throughout the battlefield and spotting your enemies, or you're actively hunting down enemy artillery, scouts play a vital role on any team in battle.
And with this weekend's discounts and bonuses, you'll be zooming up the line to those higher tier lights in no time! And to speed it all up even more, we've also got rewards of XP for the missions dedicated to light tanks. So, roll out and light up that battlefield!
Start Date: Friday, July 18, 04:00 PDT (07:00 EDT)
End Date: Monday, July 21, 04:00 PDT (07:00 EDT)


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