美服《魔兽世界》 登录到你的部落直升机 登录并索取新坐骑

2014-07-25 1136





At the conclusion of the World of Warcraft-based web series, "Azeroth Choppers", fans voted the Horde version of a real world chopper as the winner. According to a new post on the World of Warcraft site, players can now log in to claim their new mount!

The Horde chopper is on its way, and you need to log in now to claim it!

Your votes for Azeroth Choppers were counted, and one faction’s war cry roared loudest: the Horde bike will now be turned into a mount in World of Warcraft! Anyone who logs in to the game between now and September 30, 2014 will automatically have their account flagged to receive the Horde chopper upon the release of the upcoming Warlords of Draenor expansion. Everyone can (and should!) claim their chopper by logging in now, but as a reminder, only your Horde characters will be able to mount up and take it for a ride.

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