美服《TERA》玩家经验分享 最新Vesporax安全刷点

2014-07-28 1214








I've seen quite a few people die, while trying to run to the safe-spot for fighting the bee "Vesporax." One run, while with a decent group, I decided to look for one on the opposite side of the room as well. And what do you know; one exists. I'm going to post this in the guides and player-versus-environment sections so that, hopefully, people won't try to run through acid on hard-mode anymore. Below are screenshots to show where it is.
•Here is the normal spot, just to the left of the entrance.
-You can see a character in the top right of this photo standing on it, with me panning my camera around the entrance so that you can see it from here.
•Yet another shot of the normal spot, with me standing on it and looking at the big, bad, boss.
And this is where the fun part comes in. There's also another safe spot that will protect you from the acid. It's almost directly across from this one, but a little further north.
•Look at where the tip of my mount's beak is, and straight up. That's the spot!
•And for the people that may be confused, I took a spot standing on it - DURING the acid phase.
Once again, that last image shows it (with my minimap up, also). There are safe spots on BOTH sides of the room - please make use of them and tell your groups from now on; it would be great to have groups that don't have people dying on that.


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