
2014-08-07 2392




Albion Online : Site Redesigned & Founders Packs Revealed
The Albion Online site has been completely reworked to give fans and players easier access to the information they want to know about the forthcoming title. In addition, the first details have been revealed about Founders Packs. Founders Packs, each with a variety of in-game perks, can be purchased for $99.95, $49.95 or $29.95.
Founder’s packs are a great way for community and developer to interact in a way that supports the achievement of a common vision of the game, while also benefitting both parties.
Founder’s packs are kits of rewards, such as access to alpha and beta testing and unique, exclusive in-game items, which players purchase, with all proceeds going directly to the development of a bigger, better game. In this way a developer gets support, the quality of the final product increases, and fans who want to show their support are rewarded with cool gear and the chance to test the game.
By buying a founder’s pack for Albion Online, you are directly contributing to helping Sandbox Interactive make Albion Online the game we all want it to be.


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