美服《魔兽世界》10周年庆事件预览 带你回味经典

2014-08-07 1153


如果你很早就涉及到PvP,那在部落和联盟无休止的战斗中,你肯定有很多美好的回忆,当然也会有阴影。 为重新体验这种感觉,我们将开设团队团队死亡赛战场。但,跟以往的不同,我们将会有一个明确的胜利者,所以你们必须团队合作,或面临惨败。



This November marks the 10-year anniversary of World of Warcraft, and we’re cooking up a few in-game plans to commemorate the occasion. Here’s a quick preview of what’s in store:
Tarren Mill vs. Southshore: The Rematch
If you engaged in PvP early on in WoW, you might have fond memories of—and perhaps a few scars from—the endless tug-of-war between Horde and Alliance players at Tarren Mill and Southshore. To recapture that feeling, we’ll be opening a Team Deathmatch–style Battleground based on that timeless struggle. However, unlike the old days of Tarren Mill vs. Southshore, there will be a clearly defined victor, so you’ll need to work as a team or face crushing defeat.
Molten Core Gets Boosted
Molten Core provided many WoW players with their first taste of WoW raiding. For the anniversary celebration, max-level players will be able to participate in a special 40-player Raid Finder version to relive the experience of hunting down Ragnaros and his minions within his fiery lair. Downing the Firelord will earn you an Achievement and a special Core Hound mount reward (fireproof leg armor not included).
Anyone who logs in during the 10-year anniversary event will also be able to claim a feisty, fiery new pet: the Molten Corgi! Just think of the corgi-parade potential when you and your friends summon these wee waddling balls of fire for a walk.
These events and rewards will only be available for a limited time, so make sure to check back with us later for more information on when you can expect to see them in-game. ‘Til then, we’re looking forward to celebrating 10 epic years with you!

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