美服《上古世纪》第三个测试版事件的详情 密切关注玩家反馈

2014-08-08 766




The latest blog on the ArcheAge site takes a look back at the second closed beta event and gives players some insight into what changes may be in store for the third beta event set to begin today and run through the weekend. The team is taking a hard look at the Labor System and its attendant costs, working closely with XLGames in the process.

For gameplay, we are continuing to collect and review your feedback with XLGAMES, especially around all of the different aspects of the Labor System. The concept of labor is intertwined with every other system in the game and great care must be taken when changing parts of it in order to avoid unintended, wide-reaching effects. The feedback from our tests has been really solid and we’re focusing on the best ways to improve the gameplay experience for free players. Some of that relief will arrive when APEX is introduced and we’re now also we’re working with XLGAMES to remove the labor cost for opening quest rewards in a future update as well.

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