美服《最终幻想14:重生之境》月火主义14日开启 一起探索未知吧

2014-08-09 1134


春去夏来,郁金香和水仙花的柔和色调让位于菊花的生动色彩和兰花的喜气洋洋, Eorzeans的心灵和思想也都变得温暖起来。更加五彩缤纷的装饰仍是每个城市的装饰首选——气球和纸灯笼。用花哨的设计进行装饰,你肯定会会注意到有着诡异笑容的气球,让人想起过去的岁月。
真理的灯塔,指引我们度过不安和无助,港口先驱已经迫不及待的想要找出这些装饰品的目的,以及在接下来的几周,他们还会遇到些什么? 游戏工作室项目,欧服,美服,台服,韩服,日服,国服,东南亚服等所有游戏收货商家信息请关注专业玩家网。


Moonfire Faire, Revived from the Bombard Ashes
As spring gives way to summer, the soft pastels of tulips and daffodils make way for the vivid hues of chrysanthemums and orchids accentuated by the beaming sun, warming the hearts and minds of Eorzeans. More colorful still are the decorations adorning the avenues of each city state─a bevy of balloons and paper lanterns. Decorated with garish designs and fanciful faces, one cannot help but notice certain balloons bear an eerie grin, reminiscent of bombards from years past.
Ever the beacon of truth, guiding us through the seas of disquiet and uncertainty, the Harbor Herald wasted no time in uncovering the purpose of these ornaments, and what lies in store for the coming weeks of summer.




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