
2014-08-12 1377






Gathering will play a large role in Elder Scrolls Online when it comes to crafting, of course, but also in the in-game economy and the gearing process. All players will be able to gather all types of resources: runes, wood, herbs, cloth fibers, fish and ore. As players level and access different zones, they will only be able to gather nodes for crafting professions that they have placed skill points in. This means that gathering will be very important for crafters, especially, as will keeping an eye on the crafting skill lines.

The gathering system in ESO is fairly straightforward. Blacksmiths will want to mainly gather ore nodes while woodcrafters will want to gather mostly wood. Alchemists will want to gather herbs, of course, and clothiers will want to gather cloth fibers. Enchanters will want to gather runes while provisioners will want fish as well as other food ingredients. Leather will also be important to clothiers, which can be obtained from creature enemies.

For players who enjoy playing a role in the economy, it may be beneficial to gather any and all items possible in order to sell them to other players. Since bank space is shared across a player’s entire account, it will be simple enough to store gathered materials for alts as well. Bank and bag space does get fairly limited while leveling, however, so keep this in mind.

Crafters will need a large amount of gathered items to level their crafting professions. Gatherers should keep this in mind and not pass up nodes unless they are absolutely not needed. Crafters will also gain crafting skill by turning raw ore, etc., into the ingredients such as metal bars needed for crafting. This means that the raw gathered items will likely sell for a higher amount of gold.

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