美服《魔兽世界》Robin Williams——一个狂热的游戏玩家去世

2014-08-13 1118

在一个充满激情的请愿活动后,《魔兽世界》的玩家看到Robin Williams在有特殊纪念的游戏中永垂不朽,暴雪的回应是,这是“照顾它”。Robin Williams玩WOW有好几年,是一个狂热的游戏玩家。 Williams先生在周一,8月11日去世。



After a passionate petition drive from World of Warcraft players to see Robin Williams immortalized in the game with a special memorial, Blizzard has responded that it is "taking care of it", potentially with a Robin Williams NPC. Robin Williams played WoW for several years and was an avid gamer. Mr. Williams died on Monday, August 11th.

Aug 12, 2014 — An amazing development has just happened, Celestalon has seen the petition and has been quoted as saying "We're taking care of it." Does this mean that in less than one day our goal has been met? Here's hoping! When more information is presented you can be sure it will be shared here. Great job guys.

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