
2014-08-14 1566






[Update] New Gear Revealed!
For those heroes of steam and sorcery who enjoy defeating powerful foes, collecting rare items, and decking themselves out in the finest gear Montel has to offer, we’ve got some very exciting news. In this week’s special update sneak peek, we reveal the latest and rarest gear to hit BGO, with new levels and tiers of equipment coming in our major update set to hit in the coming months.
Ancient Artifacts and Revolutionary Tech
With the coming update, players will see an all new Tier 2.5 gear set: the Dawn Equipment Set. More powerful than the end-game Tier 2 sets already available, the Dawn Set will have powerful stats, with available sockets for imbedding gems for player customization. The Dawn Set can only be acquired by defeating high-level bosses or as loot drops in difficult Instances.
The Dawn Set is as stylish as it is powerful
Fight the forces of darkness to bring forth the new Dawn
In addition to the new Tier 2.5 Dawn Set, players can also look forward to a new upgradable level of gear: the unstoppable Tier 3 line of gear. This new batch of equipment is as powerful as it is challenging to acquire. Players will have to combine their existing Tier 2.0 gear with the Tier 2.5 Dawn Set, along with a number of rare materials. For those with the courage, the commitment, and the tenacity to achieve this, incredible power is just within reach.

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