
2014-08-15 1521





The September 2014 Feature Pack, which we announced yesterday along with our World Tournament Series, is bringing exciting additions to PvP!
Today, we’ll be talking about two of our additions aimed at supporting our competitive community: Standard Enemy Models and PvP-exclusive armors!
Standard Enemy Models
Something you’ve probably noticed if you’ve played much PvP in Guild Wars 2 is that races in our game can have widely varying animations for the same skill. In competitive play, this can make it hard to accurately anticipate and react to opponents. As part of our support for high-end competitions, we wanted to use this feature pack to introduce a way for players to more consistently identify and react to enemy skills.
This left us with a pretty tough question to answer: How do you normalize the animations and sizes of characters to improve readability while still maintaining the visual identity of each profession? Let me tell you right now, upscaling asuran characters was not the answer we were looking for!
Our solution is what we’re calling “Standard Enemy Models.” It consists of a human model, a weapon set, and a set of armor per profession and gender. We put together looks that we feel preserve the feeling of each profession and are visually distinct from other professions.
So what does all of this mean for you? It’s pretty simple. There’s now a setting in the General Options tab of your F11 menu. If you enable the Standard Enemy Models and enter a game type that supports them, all of your opponents will be represented by these models based on their gender and profession. This set will only replace enemy models; your teammates will not be affected. As this functionality is intended for high-end, skilled players at the top tier of PvP, this option will work only in Team Arenas and Custom Arenas that allow Tournament Commands.




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