美服《无尽地牢》将复古的地牢防御游戏带到了到Xbox One中

2014-08-18 612

GamesCom滔滔不绝地讲出了大量的独立游戏新闻的花絮,Amplitude工作室将复古的地牢防御游戏《无尽地牢》带到了到Xbox One中。Xbox版本将拥有所有PC游戏的战斗,策略,探索和战利品,优化Xbox One的手柄。










Gamescom's spouting a wealth of indie game news tidbits, among them that Amplitude Studios is bringing its retro dungeon defense game Dungeon of the Endless to Xbox One. The Xbox version will have all the PC game's combat, strategy, exploration and loot, but will be optimized for the Xbox One gamepad.

The game has recently reached beta and that means:

*Co-op multiplayer mode: after several gameplay iterations, we're starting to have something that is quite enjoyable! We're currently fixing several bugs before we can release it in a public update. We still have several improvements we'd like to implement as well but yeah, we're getting there

*Tactical map: AT LAST. And it's working too, but we're still working on the visuals

*Improved Crystal phase: we're testing several changes with the VIPs

*A score journal: work in progress

*Several improvements: we've implemented several small improvements requested by the community (but we'll let you know in due time!)

*The remaining promised game content: we're not going to shed a tear, but we've added the last heroes and environment for the release

*Balancing: singleplayer and multiplayer, but also spaceship wise (we should be working on that in the long run, until the release)

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