美服《守望者》 新预告片揭晓Kickstarter与以游戏为基础的新漫画系列

2014-08-19 853


《守望者》是一个提供安全服务和专业的干预的军事性组织,以保护公众免受危险的现象,人类无法理解:超自然的,仪式性的谋杀,神秘的秘密社团 等等。



The Black Watchmen team has announced that it has started a new funding initiative via KickStarter as well as launched a new trailer and that a new comic based on the game is being created.

The Black Watchmen is a paramilitary group that provides security services and specialized intervention to protect the public from dangerous phenomena beyond human understanding: paranormal, ritualistic murder, occult secret societies - to name but a few.

As a public organization, The Black Watchmen offer a wide range of skills and services in the strategic deployment of military resources for secret covert missions on behalf of any group, corporation or government that can afford them. A number of multinational corporations, wishing to avoid public scrutiny, prefer to turn to private organizations such as The Black Watchmen to provide discreet cover and to resolve problems and conflicts. Often as a last resort, these corporations will delegate tricky and volatile situations to The Black Watchmen or similar groups, when urgent intervention is required.

免责声明:部分内容转自其他媒体,转载目的在于为游戏工作室传递更多信息,如因作品内容、版权和其他问题请 联系客服