美服《TERA》2014年游泳季20日正式结束 各色服装配饰大清理

2014-08-19 2013


2014年的夏天是浮华的。到处充斥着尤克里里的声音,但它马上就要过去了——那些一直在等待着穿上泳装戴上饰品的人们,时间真的不多了! 2014年夏季时装将于8月20日周三上午11点跟大家说拜拜。
还有配饰呢!墨镜、花环、尤克里里、编织帽子、头巾、更多只能在夏日才会找得到的有趣配饰。现在就去Valkyon Outfitters or Valkyon Outfitters Online吧!游戏项目、游戏工作室辅助工具、游戏防封技巧,专业玩家网游戏工作室联盟,是网游工作室必选网站。



The 2014 Swim Season Is Almost Over
The summer of 2014 has been all glitz and ukuleles, but it's almost over—and those of you who have been waiting to make up your minds about all the hot summer swimsuits and accessories are running out of time! The 2014 summer fashions go back to the warehouse on Wednesday, August 20 at 11 a.m.
But until then, you can still pick up the fast summer fun smart box, guaranteed to contain the angel-striped suit for elins, Rapidos swimwear for the guys, or glitzy Carnivale swimwear for the other gals. Not into glitzy? String bikini boxes are also available, and they come complete with five federation bills and a chance to get bleached bikinis or dyeable bikinis.
Maybe you're looking for something a little more unique? The summer now swimwear crate also has five federation bills and fruit suits for barakas and poporis, devil-striped suit for elins, mesh beachwear for all the other guys, and racy Carnivale torpedos for all the other gals.
And there are still accessories! Shades, leis, ukuleles, woven hats, kerchiefs, and more—and you can only get them in our summer fun accessories. Head over to Valkyon Outfitters or Valkyon Outfitters Online now!

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