美服《Strife》 着手于PAX Prime S2游戏将举办Cosplay大赛

2014-08-20 510

S2 Games公司宣布,它将把《超神英雄》和MOBA,《Strife》带到今年的PAX Prime中。《Strife》的粉丝将在游戏的整场演出中得到一些时间。



节目的观众都想在《Strife》上花更多的时间,他们应该计划访问《Strife》休息室和免费角色扮演维修站Daily Grill餐厅,位于街对面的会展中心。在那里,他们选择Daily Grill餐厅的产品,全天享受20%的特别折扣。玩家们也应该在周六晚上在Daily Grill餐厅纪念特殊的VIP事件,并关注@ S2Strife在Twitter上了解更多详情。职业玩家游戏工作室论坛,为您提供游戏项目,游戏辅助,VPN,国外游戏资讯等最新信息。


S2 Games has announced that it will be bringing Heros of Newerth and its MOBA, Strife, to this year's PAX Prime. Fans of Strife will be able to get some quality hands on time with the game during the entire show.

On Saturday, S2 Games will host a Cosplay contest. Cosplayers from all games are welcome. Winners will receive cash and prizes. More details can be obtained at cosplay.s2games.com.

Along with new game content, the booth will feature a large dragon for adventurous attendees to ride, and an opportunity to speak with Strife’s development team. Giveaways abound for those who stop by, including a plush toy version of one of the community’s most beloved heroes: Moxie.

For show-goers who want to spend more time with Strife, they should plan to visit The Strife Lounge and complimentary Cosplay repair station at Daily Grill located across the street from the convention center. While there, they’ll be able to take advantage of a special 20% off select Daily Grill offerings all-day. Fans should also mark their calendar for a special VIP event Saturday night at Daily Grill and follow @S2Strife on Twitter for more details.

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