美服《精英:危险》Beta测试初体验 身临其境&迷失太空

2014-08-21 1378

《精英:危险》Beta 预览




 Elite: Dangerous Beta Preview
Given that Elite: Dangerous is built to be as immersive as possible, it stands to reason that this game might quickly become one of my favorites. But it’s more complicated than that. With my big monitor and surround-sound setup, do I feel like I’m in the cockpit of an interstellar fighter? I do. I can free look around, see all of the controls, even see my own boobs, or the pull of the trigger finger when I fire my weapons. The entire experience is just utterly rich and engrossing, and for fans of space flight simulators, I imagine the game is abit of a promised land.
There’s just one problem! In its current state, Elite: Dangerous is extremely difficult to play. You might be thinking that’s rather the point, it’s a simulation, and not just any, but one that drops you in front of the controls of a complex spacecraft – in space. That’s just it, unfortunately. There’s a huge difference between flying on a planet, and flying in space. In space, there isn’t the constant, reassuring point of reference called the ground. When you’re upside-down in a jet, you know you’re upside-down and have a much easier time re-orienting yourself. In space, there’s blackness everywhere, and it’s terribly easy to not only get turned around, mixed-up, and lost, you’re also likely to get a bad case of motion-sickness. I know I did. It was not fun.


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