美服《上古世纪》如何见证坐骑升级和经验 物品也是不可或缺的

2014-08-26 1210


如何见证坐骑升级和经验 :








When it comes to mounts in ArcheAge, it is important to get them leveled up quickly. This will boost their stats and will allow for equipping better gear. There is a lot of confusion about how the mounts are leveled, though, so this guide is here to help better explain the process and what you can do to level up your mounts much more efficiently.

How to See Mount Level and Experience

To see your mount’s current level and experience, look at the bottom right of your screen and hit the question mark icon. This will open a screen like the one below:

While this information isn’t super helpful, it does allow you to keep up with the mount’s current status and how far you have left to go before your mount hits various points in its life. This section, however, has its use in that it allows you to equip and un-equip items from your mounts. This is important because gearing up your mount is paramount to increasing its survivability when out and about in the dangerous terrain.

How Items Help

Items being equipped on your mount are pretty much a necessity when you are venturing out in the world. There are a lot of enemies -- both in NPC and enemy player form -- and they would love to take down your mount if you give them the chance. The better equipped it is, the better the chances are that you will be able to put it away prior to its death. This does often require quick reflexes and great attention to detail as well, but items are a way to help grant a bit of a cushion that otherwise might not be available.


Leveling up mounts is a necessity within ArcheAge. While it may seem like it’s a chore (since most games just require you to purchase a mount and don’t have other steps that are needed in order to utilize them to their full potential), by following the tips in this guide it will be much less of an annoyance and more of a passive game feature. As long as you are treating your mount well, it will return the favor!

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