美服《潜水世界》 预览新的水下探险网络游戏 但你不是杀手

2014-08-28 508





World of Diving is a game where you are not in the role of a killer. Not every game will allow you to go down to the depths of the ocean. For example, to find a treasure or find the remains of the Second World War. Doing the dirty job for you alone or with friends. If your friends don't like the game, you can play with bots.

But if you are enough lucky  and you have people that you call your sister, do not hesitate to go down to the depths. Each party underwater expedition will have its benefits,each diver will make its advantages in business. Under the water you will have to expect a different flora and fauna, in order to embellish the quiet waters.

You will encounter a small fish and sharks. Before you set out to roam the waters, you can customize your character as you heart desires, and add accessories as far as your imagination. What could cloud the picture? You may have a resentment on two things: the shark-pacifists and divers with an endless supply of air. World of Diving - a great game, in which you can feel what it's like to sink to great depth. But the disadvantages can disappoint you, and the game may be boring too fast

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