美服《黑金》首次重大更新 灰烬运动的发布 增加新的运营商等等

2014-09-01 889








*新的战斗载体—— 烟雾吞噬者和收割者


*更新Chambers of Greed


September 3rd marks the release of Black Gold Online's first major content update, Campaign of Ashes. The update sees the addition of two new carriers, as well as new maps, quests, weapons, and the new Surge Skill system.

Content includes:

*New area - The Ashen Copse

*Surge Skills - upgrade your skills at level 40 by collecting Potential, then use it to earn Surge points which can be used to increase skill power.

*Advanced Gear - the first Tier 2.5 gear, the Dawn Set, Legendary Orange Cloaks

*Updated Military Battlefield

*New 10v10 Battlefield - Death Hills

*New Battle Carriers - Fog Devourer and Reaper

*New Cross-Server PvP

*Updated Chambers of Greed

*Refurbished Instance UI

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