美服《激战2》 九月份的一些变化会使得新玩家过得很辛苦

2014-09-02 895




September is here, which means Guild Wars 2 is going to go through some big changes.  Lately PvP has been the center of attention, with new features announced, and the launch of some exciting tournaments.  However, we saw a huge shift this past week, showing more attention towards making the game more appealing to new players, but will these changes actually work?

While some believe it’s the end game that is the weak spot in Guild Wars 2, I believe it’s actually the very beginning.  One thing the start of the game does right is it pits you up against a real threat.   Rather than just putting you in a sewer with a bunch of rats.  Instead, you’re thrown into battle with centaurs, or even an army of ghosts!

Nearly every game I’ve played or worked on takes the first 5 or 10 minutes to teach players how to play the game, showing, and making them apply, all the mechanics.  The changes coming in September are going to start locking things out for new players, such as the ability to rally, or even use waypoints.  To gain access to these abilities, players will now have to reach level milestones.  This is the model used in the Chinese release, and while I don’t remember every milestone, it would seem like new players won’t actually get to play the full Guild Wars 2 till about level 15 or so.

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