美服《天空熔炉》 Cryomancer这个职业对初学者来说是一个重大选择

2014-09-02 1111





The Cryomancer is the first class that green hands can master quickly in Skyforge. Those who choose the Cryomancer to the battle will find his dangerous and fascinating power of cold. The video shows that the class is able to turn the environment around him into a frozen waste land and also turn his opponent into frozen status, even shattered the frozen opponents. That’s quite cool!

This class is highly dynamic and combat proficiency is easy to learn, but its development contains enough depth and variety that it will require a lot of skill to truly master, which is why it is recommended for most beginners in Skyforge!

It’s very advantageous when you master the Cryomancer no matter battling in a close range or in a long distance against your rival. Besides, the Cryomancer is a great choice for those who prefer actions, interested players can sign up quickly for the beta now or visit the official Skyforge website to know more details.

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