
2014-09-03 892





One of the best things in World vs World that helps out players is the commander system. This is designed to help players get organized and better protect objectives against enemies, as well as capture enemy objectives. While this system is by and large a great thing as it is, in September it is going to be going through an overhaul to help improve it.

The commander system has been an integral part of Guild Wars 2’s World vs World system since the beginning, but in previous patches it was never altered to keep up with what players were needing. With this upcoming patch that is going to be resolved. It’s hard to tell exactly what the effects of these changes are going to be, but it is safe to say that they are definitely a step in the right direction. And with ArenaNet looking at making further changes to the system, it looks like we’re heading into a much better system for partaking in organized battlegrounds!


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