美服《荒野星球》发布megaserver 利用这一技术巩固玩家

2014-09-03 1071

卡宾枪工作室日前宣布,megaservers将很快向《荒野星球》迈入。根据论坛上的帖子,在每个数据中心一定有PVE和PvP megaserver。利用megaserver技术将巩固玩家,并增加RAID /任务分组密度。




Carbine Studios has announced that megaservers will be coming soon to WildStar. According to the forum post, there will be one PvE and one PvP megaserver per Data Center. Utilizing megaserver technology will consolidate the player base and increase raid / quest grouping density.

Under the new MegaServers, there will be one PvP and one PvE realm per Data Center. We’ll also increase the number of available character slots for each Megaserver.

When the time comes, all guilds, arena teams, circles, mail and auction items will transfer to the new Megaservers. The normal “realm transfer” restrictions will not apply during this transfer. Unfortunately, one of the byproducts of this is that realm rule sets will be going away, so we will replace them with five region-wide chat channels – Roleplay, French, German, French Roleplay and German Roleplay. More details on this will be revealed soon.

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