美服《魔兽世界》直到9月26日免费试玩 将导致《德拉诺之王》的扩张

2014-09-04 1081






Blizzard is sporting an interesting splash page that invites new World of Warcraft players to take on the game for free from now through September 26th, likely right before the release of the v6.0 patch that will lead to the Warlords of Draenor expansion. How this differs from the endless free 1-20 game play remains to be seen. We'll keep you posted.

From Blizzard (thanks,Myria!):

Hey guys,

The media link to our site is a graphic used from some promotions we were running for select players of our other games that haven't tried WoW yet. It's part of an email sent to them.

The free time it's referring too is the 30 day month that all new subscribers get.

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