
2014-09-06 1310


格罗姆什·地狱咆哮的传说并非从纯碎的暴力或征服中诞生。他的不屈不挠将帮助他创造奇迹...但这只是在他的鲁莽使他丧失了一切之后。 专业玩家网游戏工作室联盟,全面开展游戏工作室论坛项目,方便游戏工作室交流。



Before you can harbor any hope of defeating the Iron Horde, you must first

understand what—and whom—you’re up against. Our five-part series Lords of

War introduces you to some of the major players in the campaign on Draenor—

beginning with the sadistic Kargath Bladefist, leader of the Shattered Hand,

and continuing today with the mighty Grommash Hellscream, chieftain of the

Warsong clan.

Grommash Hellscream’s legend was not born from mere brutality or conquest.

His indomitable will helped him survive the impossible . . . but only after

his recklessness nearly cost him everything.

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