美服《魔兽世界》补丁6.0.2预扩张提醒 同时很多东西会消失

2014-09-16 971








With Patch 6.0.2 live on Public Test Realms, it's just a matter of time when we'll see it drop live. A lot of things will be gone with this patch so if you still have not yet obtained your achievements and/or titles than now's the ideal time to do so.

Chalenge Modes Gone

All of the challenge mode achievements are becoming Legacy and Feat of Strength achievements, with all of the rewards other than the armor sets and teleport spells becoming account wide.

Bronze: The Undaunted title will be unobtainable and account-wide.

Silver: The mounts will be unobtainable and account-wide. If you have at least one of the mounts, all four of the mounts will be unlocked.

Gold: The transmog armor sets and teleport spells will be unobtainable and remain char-specific. The Gold guild achievement that rewards a pet will be unobtainable.

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