
2014-09-16 993

Square Enix官方确认《最终幻想14》将与2015年在韩国登陆。《最终幻想14》韩国服务器发布商会是Actoz Soft,它是中国发布商盛大游戏的韩国子公司。Naoki Yoshidaue出席了官方发布会。

作为世界上最大的PC客户端在线游戏市场,韩国目前被大量涌入的免费游戏所控制。虽然没有官方确认,最有可能的是《最红幻想14》仍将保留付费游戏的商业模式。自从大多大标题都是免费,这会其作用吗?  游戏工作室项目,欧服,美服,台服,韩服,日服,国服,东南亚服等所有游戏收货商家信息请关注专业玩家网。



Square Enix has officially confirmed that Fantasy XIV Online will be launched in South Korea, and it is in 2015. The publisher of Final Fantasy XIV Korea server will be Actoz Soft, which is the Korean subsidiary of China publisher, Shanda Games. Naoki Yoshida also attended the official announcement event.

As one of the biggest client PC online gaming market in the world, Korea is currently dominated by an influx of Free-to-Play games. Though not officially confirmed, it is most probable that Final Fantasy XIV will retain its Pay-to-Play business model. Since most big titles have gone free, will it work?


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