美服《时空裂痕》AH变化如何影响经济 包括团购订单和上市成本

2014-09-18 1122









With Rift’s recent auction house changes, the economy has been altered; arguably making it much worse than it was before. The changes that were implemented included two major things: the addition of buy orders and a change to the way that fees are calculated. Let’s take a look at their effects.

Buy Orders

By looking at buy orders from the surface, they sound like a great idea. They allow players to choose items they want to buy and create standing orders that can get filled over time. It saves a lot of time and effort of constantly having to hunt the auction house for items within the proper price range, and basically automates the process. The system within Rift also shows the latest price trend, allowing players to speculate as to what is going to happen in the future.

Listing Costs

Possibly as a method of countering the increased prices due to the buy orders, listing costs were also altered. These have the opposite effect of the buy orders: they lower the prices of items. To help illustrate, let’s look at an item that has a “game value” of 1 silver – like an artifact. Prior to the update, this would cost 1 silver to list, regardless as to what you wanted to charge. You could list it for 1 gold or 100000 platinum; it would always have the same listing fee. Now, with a listing price of just 100 platinum, it costs 1.5 platinum to list it for 2 days (a listing fee of 1.5%).


It’s still hard to tell at this point what the long-term effects of the auction house changes are going to be. It looks so far as if one side is increasing the prices of some items, while the other is decreasing those of others. This could be considered as an equilibrium, to a point, but the market was already at one before any of these changes were implemented. One thing is for certain: there are going to be a lot of items (probably actual armor and weapons) that are no longer going to be listed on the auction house due to the low chance of selling and it resulting in just a waste of listing fees.

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