美服《开拓者》发布Alpha 压力测试 更新之后将对所有玩家开放游戏

2014-09-19 942

打开,资源管理器,《开拓者》早期Alpha访问的顾客(及已经拥有了Alpha邀请)将有机会看到亲身看到比赛,由于刚刚发布的Alpha 压力测试,应该在星期一,9月22日举行。





Open, Explorer, Early and Alpha access patrons (and anyone who already has an alpha invite) for Pathfinder Online will get a chance to see the game first hand thanks to the just-announced alpha stress test that is supposed to take place on Monday, September 22nd.

Following this update we are going to open the game (but NOT the forums - see below) to all players that have Open, Explorer, Early and Alpha access (and of course all the people who have received Alpha invites will continue to have access).  Our plan is to open the system to these new players on Monday September 22nd.

We need to test the system under the kinds of loads that we'll experience when Early Enrollment begins, but we also want to avoid a situation where 7,000+ people all try to log in at the same moment.

We will send an email via our MailChimp mailing system with details on how to access the Alpha Stress Test to all Open, Explorer and Early Enrollment accounts when the server has been updated and those accounts are able to log in. These emails come from customer.support@goblinworks.com so please make sure that address is whitelisted in your email system.

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