美服《上古世纪》 Scott Hartsman谈论本场比赛的状态

2014-09-19 701

Trion的首席执行官Scott Hartsman利用《上古世纪》论坛来谈论本场比赛的状态,比赛后仅仅两天就对所有玩家开放。在信件中,他讨论了服务器容量,增加更多的硬件,团队如何采取措施对抗AFKers,需要更多良好的沟通,客服如何将它提高一个档次。





Trion CEO Scott Hartsman has taken to the ArcheAge forums to talk about the state of the game a mere two days after the game opened up for all players. In the letter, he discusses server capacity, the addition of more hardware, how the team is taking proactive steps agains AFKers, the need for more and better communication and how customer service will be taking it up a notch.

Note that we've been more aggressively sweeping AFKers, even manually when needed. For example, while we had said during beta that we were tentatively tolerant of with AFK mount riding, we'd be keeping an eye out to see if it became a problem. Well, it's officially a problem when actual players who will be playing can't get in.

If you're not actively playing, please do be aware that you might not be there when you get back. Of course, while we do appreciate creative justifications such as "I am merely celebrating the excitement of launch by exercising my steed in a circular pattern for an extended period of time," those will still earn a quick trip to desktop.

We're also going to be setting up a more aggressive AFK timer as is suited to an over-popular launch, and ensuring that there are fewer ways to get around it. Again, this is all to create the greatest opportunity to get active human beings into the game.

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