《炉石传说:魔兽英雄传》公布对战天梯各等级所占玩家人数 25级至15之间最多

2014-09-20 4588





传说级是前0.5%炉石玩家的家。在成千上万的炉石玩家中,传说只占很小的一部分。实际上,炉石对战天梯大多数玩家排名在25级与15级之间。许多玩家希望每个赛季停留在20级以获得独特的炉石卡牌背景。即使从20级升到15级也是个令人印象深刻的壮举。 游戏工作室联盟首选专业玩家网,集合所有网游项目,游戏辅助,等游戏赚钱方法



Have you ever wondered where you stand in the Ranked Play ladder amongst your peers? Just because you haven’t hit Legend rank doesn’t mean you are doing poorly in Hearthstone: On the contrary, only a very small percentage of Hearthstone players have reached Legend rank. Read on to find out just where you may stand on the Ranked Play ladder!

The top 25% of Hearthstone players sit somewhere between Rank 15 and Legend. Climbing the ladder takes a certain amount of skill and dedication, and these players are constantly honing their skills and learning how to combat all of the different types of decks and strategies that are out there. There’s a lot of growth, learning, trial and error that happens between Rank 15 and Rank 1.

Rank 10 through Legend holds the top 7.5% of Hearthstone players.The competition heats up the closer players get to Rank 5, and win streaks become less and less common. Players here are fine tuning their decks and predicting their opponent’s plays, ready to answer with their own onslaught of spells and minions!

Ranks 5 through Legend are home to the top 2% of Hearthstone players. Here’s where things get really interesting! Win streaks stop at Rank 5, so each win becomes more and more important. In order to hit Legend, you’ll have to press on and win more games than you lose.

Legend rank is home to less than the top .5% of Hearthstone players. Out of the millions of players playing Hearthstone, these Legends make up an incredibly small part of the Hearthstone player base. In fact, most of Hearthstone’s Ranked Play players lie between Ranks 25 and 15. Many players aspire to acquire the unique Hearthstone card back each season that awaits at Rank 20. Even going from Rank 20 to Rank 15 is an impressive feat.


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