《FireFall》火瀑代号为Crossfire的活动开始 完成日常任务可获得丰厚奖励

2014-09-20 1271

我们代号:穿越火线的活动正式开始!我们很兴奋你们全部有机会尝试这个活动。记住你在一天中要玩家3次穿越火线遭遇才能得到日常成就提供的100信用。在10月6日,周一前(约17天)完成12次日常任务会得到“任务达成”成就,给与你500信用,“深陷火线”头衔和一个全新的技能 "Agile"。Agile花费1个技能点来装备并每秒降低你的手榴弹项目和能力的冷却时间(与投弹技能点叠加),同时提高你武器10%的填弹速度(与其他填弹技能点叠加)! 游戏工作室项目,欧服,美服,台服,韩服,日服,国服,东南亚服等所有游戏收货商家信息请关注专业玩家网。



Our Codename: Crossfire event is now live! We’re excited for you all to get a chance to try out this event. Remember that you have to complete the Crossfire encounter 3 times in a day to get the daily achievement which provides you with 100 Credits. Completing the daily mission 12 times before Monday, October 6th (17 possible days) will get you the “Mission Accomplished” achievement, granting you 1500 Credits, the “Caught in the Crossfire” title, and a brand new Perk: “Agile.” Agile costs one perk point to equip and reduces your grenade item and ability cooldowns by one second (stacks with the Grenadier perk) as well as improving your weapon reload speed by 10% (stacks with other reload perks)!

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