美服《上古世纪》 最新更新专注于服务器和赞助奖金

2014-09-23 711





According to a new post on the ArcheAge site, patrons who have been less than happy with the game's playability since launch will have some compensation coming in the form of days added and the ability to an extra Founder's Pack should they choose to head to a new server. In addition, the team's customer service group has expanded and NA players are informed about Sunday's DDOS attack.

If you were a patron as of launch day, last week you were granted a bonus amount of patron time to cover the head start period. In an update we did while the servers were running on Saturday, we expanded that to more time and more people, essentially making Patron time only begin ticking as of yesterday.

Making sure that all patrons have their bonuses has been incredibly important to us, as is making sure we’re as generous as we can be, wherever we can, and things are now working well for the vast majority. There are still a handful of patrons who need touching up, and making sure that they’re taken care of remains the priority for our software teams.

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