
2014-09-23 1336

所有MMO游戏方式应为同一极品装备提供一条途径吗?Trion Worlds似乎是这么认为的,因为它为《时空裂隙:梦魇之潮》准备了新的同一货币,其将允许raid玩家。PVP玩家和PVE地下城玩家购买强大武器和装甲。

Kitty Kitty Boom Boom从近期《时空裂痕》实况留言中听到这个改变时表现的欣喜若狂:“根据Bill Fisher(Daglar),原因是许多《时空裂痕》的主要玩家涉足了许多不同事情。潜台词(在我看来)是没有足够的人能接触到raid。他们宁愿很少做这做那-换句话说,玩的开心。从现在开始,无论你选择什么活动都将有利于经历进度的感觉。这帮助到raid的议程同时帮助休闲玩家有进度轨迹。

资料片带来的其他调整是力量帽系统和把坦克韧性数据转换为DPS输出数据。 专业玩家网游戏工作室论坛集合所有游戏项目及游戏辅助,游戏加速器,是游戏工作室必上网站。



Should all MMO playstyles offer a path to the same awesome gear? Trion Worlds seems to think so, as it's preparing a new unified currency for RIFT: Nightmare Tide that will allow raiders, PvPers, and PvE dungeon divers a way to buy great weapons and armor.

Kitty Kitty Boom Boom was ecstatic to hear of this change from a recent RIFT Livestream: "According the Bill Fisher (Daglar), the reason is that the vast majority of RIFT players dabble in different things. The subtext (in my opinion) is that not enough people are getting to raiding. They'd rather do a little of this and that -– in other words, have fun. Going forward, whatever activity you choose will contribute to a background feeling of progress. This helps the raiding agenda while also helping casuals have a progression track."

Other adjustments coming with the expansion is a power cap system and a transformation of the tanking toughness stat into the DPS hit stat.

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