《荒野星球》玩家可选择新的PVE和PVP媒体服务器名称 抓紧来投票选择你喜欢的名称吧

2014-09-24 1062


两种服务器类型有五个名字可供选择。目前,北美投票倾向于PVE服务器名为Entity,而PVP服务器叫Deadeye,但仍有足够的时间让玩家改变这一轨迹。如果你不关心你的服务器名称,那就没什么可担心的,但如果你很在意,抓紧加入来分享你的感受。 专业玩家网游戏工作室论坛集合所有游戏项目及游戏辅助,游戏加速器,是游戏工作室必上网站。



Do you have strong feelings about the name of your server? Then you'll want to make sure to get involved with the poll for WildStar players that's running until September 24th at 12:30 p.m. EDT. While the megaserver system has not yet been rolled out, the team is nearly ready and is looking for feedback on just what to call the new PvE and PvP servers for each region.

Both server types have five names to choose from. Currently, the North American vote is leaning toward Entity for the PvE server and Deadeye for the PvP server, but there's still enough time for players to change that trajectory. If you don't care about your server name, it's nothing to worry about, but if it matters a lot, jump on over and share your feelings.

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