美服《荒野星球》玩家关注游戏通信的新状态 概述要改善的几个关键领域

2014-09-26 760







The latest WildStar State of the Game letter has been published on the official site. In it, the team acknowledges that there are issues of grave concern to the playerbase, reassures the community that the development team is listening, and outlines several key areas that will be improved going forward.

Here are a couple of the big ticket items that you’ve probably already seen, or will see, in the game:

1. Attunement - The raid content was designed to have players actually play it. We adjusted the attunement process to help get players into raids, where the real challenge is. Getting in is one thing, being prepared is another. We are currently implementing a training dungeon that will help train and prepare players for the epic challenges that await them in our dungeons and raids. I want to stress that we’re not nerfing raids, we’re just giving you the tools to succeed when tackling them.

2. Elder Game Itemization – We got a ton of testing and feedback on the early leveling content in beta stages, as that is what gets tested the most. Since launch we’ve tried to respond as quickly as possible to the concerns about elder game items based on direct feedback from the thousands of players playing the live build, something that got little interaction before launch. We’ve been making positive changes related to rune slots and how desirable the hard content rewards are and we’re not close to finished yet.

3. PvP – Early PvP systems incentivized toxic behavior and play patterns. While updates to the gear and matchmaking system have gone a long way to mitigate this, expect further updates and adjustments in the future.

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