美服《火瀑》热门的开放世界射击游戏 玩家加入对抗开发者控制BOSS的战斗中

2014-09-27 1472

《火瀑》绝对是今年一个热门的开放世界射击游戏,我们的很多玩家都加入到对抗各种敌人的战斗中,但是如果BOSS变成是这个游戏背后的开发者会怎么样?你会感到害怕或发动猛烈攻击吗?这是你的机会!Red 5工作室宣布其第二选择进攻的现场事件,在这里玩家将对抗由游戏的开发运营团队展开的Elite Chosen Bosses的军队。


2014年9月28日,周日,上午11:00和下午2:00 PDT,登录到Firefall并加入至少连续60分钟的战斗中的参与者都将获得奖励,从伪装到一个华丽的新贴花。参与开发控制选择BOSS并成功摧毁的飞行员将收到一个专属的宠物以及其他奖品。专业玩家网游戏工作室项目论坛全面开放,欢迎所有游戏工作室加入。


Firefall is definitely a hot open world shooter this year, lots of our gamers have join the battle to fight against all kinds of enemies, but what if the bosses turn out to be the developer behind this game? Will you get scared or launch fierce attacks fearllessly? Here is your chance! Red 5 Studios announces its second Chosen Offensive live event for Firefall, where players will be battling an army of Elite Chosen Bosses operated by the game's development team.

These menacing incursions can happen anywhere in the world of Firefall, from the deceptively tropical Coral Forest to the unending dunes of Sertao or even in the volcanic depths of Devil’s Tusk.  Players who participate not only get the thrill and satisfaction of battling against members of the development team but can also earn event-exclusive rewards.

Participants who log onto Firefall and join the battle for a minimum of 60 consecutive minutes on Sunday, Sep. 28, 2014, between 11:00am and 2:00pm PDT will receive rewards ranging from battleframe warpaint to a gorgeous new decal.  Pilots who participate in the successful destruction of developer-controlled Chosen Bosses will receive an exclusive pet along with other prizes.

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