美服《魔兽世界》暴雪将取消Titan项目 该项目没有达到理想效果

2014-09-28 1074






Titan was the project name for a MMO developed by Blizzard. The game development began in 2007. Blizzard revealed little information besides that it would be completely new, not based on the company's main franchises (Warcraft, Diablo, Starcraft). In May 2013 the development process for Titan was rebooted, as Blizzard decided to take the project in a different direction. After 7 years of development approximately four days ago Blizzard reported to have cancelled the project entirely as it was not really feeling it would make a good product.

Now, on one hand the Blizzard's decision is really admirable. They only tend to release products they're happy with, but on the other hand I am really looking forward to what's going to be their flagship. I mean of course, we have Hearthstone and Heroes of the Storm in Technical alpha, but I highly doubt both of these games together would be able to compete with a totally new game.

Now, according to the leaked product slate, Titan was set for a release date in the fourth quarter of 2013, of course, after the development reset back in May 2013, the game would be delayed up to 2016.

Currently after they announced its cancellation, I'm really curious if their main focus will be World of Warcraft, since it has seen decreases in its subscriber base since the release of Mists. The delay of Warlords of Draenor's release isn't going to bring players back either.

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