美服《笑傲江湖》展示新扩张镀金荒原的概念艺术 享受这些美丽的图画

2014-09-29 1196









With Swordsman's newest expansion, Gilded Wasteland, just around the corner, it is a good time to showcase some of the high quality concept art used in creating the fantastic zones and dungeons of the new expansion. This article will be a show-piece type, so just sit back, grab a cup of your favorite beverage, and enjoy the high fidelity art of these beautiful drawings.

With Gilded Wastelands, you'll be able to enjoy new zones, new dungeons, an increased level cap, new weapon weapon crafting, new PvP options, an updated companion system, and so much more! As the launch date gets closer, you'll start seeing more and more previews being released on all of the above. Intersted gamers can head for the Swordsman: Gilded Wasteland expansion page to get more information or pay close attention on our gamelist movement!

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