《Pathfinder Online》最新阿尔法补丁开放--地图扩展、问题修复和服务器压力测试

2014-10-07 1151


显然那些没玩游戏的不会得到近期游戏拍卖行功能的体验,这个功能在官网做出了深度解析。建立一场拍卖要求一个起拍价和最低价。在拍卖期间,价格从起拍价慢慢降低到最低价;如果在折现率期间没有买家,拍卖以失败告终。 职业玩家游戏工作室论坛,为您提供游戏项目,游戏辅助,VPN,国外游戏资讯等最新信息。



After no small amount of hand-wringing, the latest alpha patch is live for Pathfinder Online, with the intent of eventually cracking open the servers for stress testing. It's a pretty important patch even without the aim of a stress test, though, as it expands the map size to its full early access scope and fixes a variety of issues with advancement and the game's overall systems. Even if you didn't get to play recently, the development is humming along.

Obviously those who didn't get to play also didn't get to experiment with the game's recent auction house functionality, which is explained in depth on the official site. Setting up an auction requires a starting price and a minimum price. Over the auction's duration, the price slowly decreases from the starting price down to the minimum; if no buyers are found at that discount rate, the auction ends unsuccessfully.


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